We continue exercising caution to keep our Bethel family safe, so we're hosting online services only at this time. In anticipation of relaxed restrictions, our leadership team has created a Reopening Plan. This plan may change should new capacity restrictions or guidelines from the CDC and local government be put in place.
Phase 1 - Summer 2020
(Up to 25 people)
- Continued enhancements to online experience
- Additional online service times
- More ways to connect with adults & children
- Website upgrades
- Monthly outdoor event (Day of Service & Prayer Celebration, etc.)
- bGroups can meet in parking lot, following social distancing guidelines
Phase 2 - Fall 2020
(Up to 150 people)
- bGroups meet at Bethel, in designated areas
- Weekend Service Studio Audience Invites
- No bKids or bYouth services on site
Phase 3 - TBD
(100% Capacity)
- Return to normal services, bKids & bYouth
- Will follow capacity restrictions & guidelines from the CDC and local government
- Online services continue